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Carbs ? Personal Trainer Explains the Importance of Carbs and Resistance Training

If you’ve ever searched for a personal trainer near me, you might have come across a lot of conflicting information about…

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Strengthening Back Muscles and Stretching Abs and Hip Flexors: A Personal Trainer’s Guide to Improved Walking and Standing

In the world of fitness and personal training, posture often takes center stage. How we walk and stand is not only indicative of our fitness…

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Types of Scoliosis and How Resistance Training Can Help

Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. It can affect people of all ages, from infants to adults,…

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The Importance of Resistance Training Over All Sports, Especially Football

Resistance training, often referred to as strength training or weightlifting, involves exercises designed to improve muscle strength, endurance,…

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Debunking the Myth of Spot Reduction: The Truth About Fat Reduction

When it comes to fitness goals, fat reduction and toning specific areas of the body are often high on the list. However, the notion of spot…

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The Importance of Leg Training: Unveiling the Foundation of Strength and Health

When it comes to exercise and fitness, leg training often takes a backseat to popular exercises like bench presses and bicep curls. However,…

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Rethinking the Scale: Beyond Weight as an Indicator of Improvement for Individuals under 70 kg

In today’s society, weight is often considered a crucial metric for determining health and well-being. However, the number displayed on the…

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How to Lose Fat in a “Fast” Way (Hint: There Isn’t One!)

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the magical world of weight loss where dreams come true, unicorns roam freely, and fat magically melts away in…

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