qualified personal trainers one to one fit logo
  • Step 1
    No stress, no commitment. Choose a day and time on our calendar that works best for you to come in for your free trial session.
  • Step 2
    During your complimentary session we can tell you about who we are and what we can do for you. No two humans are identical therefore your fitness and nutrition programs should not be identical to your friend, co-worker or neighbor. It should be customized for you based on your medical/exercise history and how you want to look and feel! One of our trainers will go over all of this with you and take you through a sample workout that’s focused on your specific goals.
  • Step 3
    Upon completion of your sample workout, your trainer will go over the variety of training packages we offer and make a recommendation based on your exercise history and how quickly you’d like to reach your goals. Again, no stress, no commitment. If you feel that Personal Training Studio is exactly what you’re looking for, we’ll get you signed up and scheduled to get started right away. A lifetime of wellness awaits!!